Calls to Action: Legislators

CA’s Next AG

Sometimes events involving other offices can help illustrate something important about the legislature. A current example is the competition to be appointed Attorney General. We hope Governor Newsom does not select a state legislator to fill that role, both because of cost of a special election to replace the legislator but far more importantly because of the ugly conflicts a legislator would bring to the state’s highest legal position.

As an example, one of the names mentioned in the press is State Assembly Member Rob Bonta, who is among the most prolific fundraisers from special interests. Take a stroll through his 2019-20 contributions, where you will see dominance by enterprises on the receiving end of >$100 billion per year of state and school spending under contracts and regulations voted on by Mr. Bonta, who is by no means alone among legislators in engaging in that practice.

That practice should stop. At a minimum, it should not be imported into the state’s highest legal position.